I wanted to list a few little glimpses of God in all of this because it was all His works:
- Other relatives and friends of friends who donated items to us for the sale.
- Many friends, family and coworkers who donated items for the sale.
Friends and family that came to help us price everything! (I had dreams about price stickers!!)
- A friend donated a hand-made bag and 2 jewelry sets for our raffle. (see picture ). Nancy's Jewelry can be purchased by visiting ww.glitzandglamourjewelry.com It's beautiful!
- Brad's brother & wife donating proceeds from their sale to us.
People that came to the sale, not to necessarily buy items, but to hand me a $20 bill towards our adoption.
- People that I don't know (but are friends of a friend) who baked items for our bake sale.
- People who we don't know (but are friends of a friend) who gave us their giant canopy for the day, in case it rained.
- A little girl in our neighborhood who came 2 separate times to buy a bag of peanuts. (I'm pretty sure she doesn't even like peanuts) :)
Both sets of our parents, who showed up bright and early to help set up, direct shoppers, help shuttle the boys to their games, and were there for general support!
- A friend made me a shirt with a giraffe on it that says "E"... Wait upon the Lord. Love it!!
- A friend, near and dear to us, that stuffed a stack of $20's in my hand before leaving!
- Prayers from friends and family that couldn't be here on the actual day, but were here with us in spirit!
- AND LOTS of FRIENDS, FAMILY and NEIGHBORS who stopped by to support us! Love you guys!
So, are you ready for the grand total????? The grand total (which i still have a few coins to count up yet)... was over $1500!!! YES, $1500. We could not believe it! This will buy E's one way ticket home! How cool with that be... to purchase a one-way ticket home for our angel.
Thanks so much to everyone who helped in any way shape or form.
Big Brother DYLAN, the raffle boy :)